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Institute | LDC Institute



The genesis of LDC Institute of Technical Studies is attributable to the inspiration from Late Shri Devi Chand to contribute significantly towards enrichment of the high quality talent pool of technical & managerial human resource with international benchmarks.

The founder chairman of Devi Chand Memorial Charitable Society which established LDC Institute of Technical Studies in 2007 was Shri Chandra Mohan Gupta who was a leading businessman with high standing in automobile trading, a reputed social activist and above all a visionary.

His vision was to provide professional education with ethics and corporate culture to both urban and rural youth,The academic ambience in LDc is best suited to create globally competitive professionals .It has evolved as a front ranking institution in the community of widely acclaimed schools of learning.


Intellectual Capital

The academic and professional excellence of an educational institute is primarily rooted in its human resource. The process of acquisition and assimilation of knowledge has to be coupled with the ability to apropriately transfer knowledge and create innovation.

In accordance with this thesis, LDC Institute has been successful in building up a highly competent team of faculty. We take legitimate pride in our faculty that is a judicious blend of rich experience and modern knowledge.

Senior, several withinternational experience, and highly qualified, over 30% with Ph.D., faculty provide expert guidance and purposeful learning.

Academic Ambience

The Institute has implemented teaching-learning process which is student-centric and promotes learning by students through efficacious pedagogy and modern teaching tools like power point presentation, interactive problem solving sessions, use of intranet for assignments and continuous evaluation.

Spread over a vast plush green wi-fi campus of 30 acres , the institute provides an absolutely conducive ambience for experimental and fun filled learning.

In addition to academic and professional pursuit of knowledge and skills, value addition programmes have been designed aimed at holistic personality development which is an essential prerequisite for building up career for transnational and multinational corporations (MNCs).